Last March, after trying for nearly four years, I was pregnant. I was unbelievably happy...for about a week. I had a miscarriage. My heart was broken and I didn't stop bawling for days. I still getting teary-eyed thinking about it. Before that moment I thought that a miscarriage was just something that a lot of women went through and it wasn't that big of a deal. Oh, how wrong I was! I loved that baby from the moment I knew of it and losing it, even at only seven weeks, was truly heartbreaking. Anyway, I had already told Fuss of his upcoming new sibling, so when that sibling was no more I had to break the news to him as well. In my angst, I sat my little son down and told him that we were no longer having a baby. He looked at me with his huge brown eyes, furrowing his brow in deep concern, tipped his head to the side, and in his most pleading voice said, "Please! I promise I will be a good big brother! Please, Mommy!" If I thought my heartbreak was complete before those words, I was wrong. I wanted to give him anything, anything at all, to ease his disappointment and my pain. So when I told him that I was sorry, but there was nothing I could do, and he replied with, "Can I have a puppy then?" What was I to do? I hesitated, repeated to myself that I had committed to never have a dog living in my home, and then told him we would call my sister to see if by chance she would be breeding her dog anytime soon. I actually told him that if she was I would let him have one of the puppies. I figured there was no chance that would happen, after all she had only bred her dog like twice before. I called her and told her of my conversation with Fuss. Being able to completely understand my pain, she happily announced to me that she had bred her dog just last week and that if it worked she would give Fuss one of the puppies rather than selling it. Oh goodie (ugh)!! We waited, anticipated, and panicked. Okay, mostly I panicked. D, not loving little dogs, assured me that this was my promise and I would have to deal with it. Needless to say, the puppies were born and we brought one home six weeks later. He named her Tilley. I don't know how he came up with the name, but it fits her. She was born on Fuss' fourth birthday. I'm not sure if it is a sign that they belong together since they share a birthday, but regardless it is obvious they love each other. I just spent the last several minutes watching Fuss lie on the kitchen floor while his 4-1/2-pound Yorkie Poo climbed all over him, licked him, and had him giggling no
It is hard for me to admit, though, that the benefit of these animals outweighs my distaste for them. I also have to admit that I would probably miss them if we were to no longer have them. I guess that protecting my home and bring pure joy to my child are reasons enough to tolerate them...maybe even like them a little, but I will never admit to loving them!
Hello! Didn't know u had a blog!! Love it! It is reminding me how funny u are! I also hate pets especially dogs! Hooray for your blog! I'm going to add it as a link on mine:) can't wait to see u next month!!!!!!
I feel kinda the same way. but saddly we have a big dog and he is an indoor dog. Cory refuses to have a little dog and I can't stand him out side looking in and shivering. Good luck with the dogs.
I Teared up several times reading this! My heart broke for you when you had the mc! I cried and cried! It is very difficult to lose a baby no matter if they are 7 weeks, 35 weeks or 2 months old! I believe the heartache is all the same! I remember when we lost Madilyn, I was so furious because someone had the audacity to say to me.... Well atleast she died before she was born so you didn't get to know her and get attached to her! That would have been so much more difficult! I wanted to bitch slap her so hard! My heart still aches for your loss! I know how much it hurts! I still break down and cry every now and then!
I'm happy to see you blogging again. Your posts always make me laugh! That puppy is about the cutest thing I have EVER seen! After a LONG break from blogging, I made my blog private. If you'd like to see what we're up to, let me know your email address and I'll send you an invite.
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