Pretty much from the time he was born I knew that he was too smart for my own good. He was only 2 days old when they brought the bilirubin lights to my house. I don't know who invented this contraption, but seriously no brand new mother wants to put their tiniest treasure in a blue suitcase with patches over his eyes to keep him under lights. Needless to say, I bawled for three days straight! I just wanted to hold him and comfort him. It was during those moments that I discovered just how in control my little man was. Anyone could walk past my little guy, or stop and stare at how adorable he looked with the alien looking patches over his eyes, except me. I don't know how he knew, but he did. Even with his eyes covered and me being as quiet as possible, he knew every time I was near and he would reach his little hand up towards me and broke my heart! Of course I picked him up and held him close to me...I was told he could be taken out of the lights to eat, so he ate a lot during those three days...
Now, here we are two years later and he still thinks he rules the roost around here. The other day as I was trying to take a nap I felt a little finger ran across my eyelid. I opened my eyes to see my darling little boy sitting next to me with an eye shadow in his hands "doing my makeup." When I asked him, "Does Mommy look pretty?" He responded, "Hode on!" (hold on). He thinks he is the expert...
Last week he asked me for some "canny" (candy). We had some jellybeans, so I told him he could have 3 of them. Fuss can count to three (I think it is mostly because I always do when I want him to do something that he doesn't want to). Anyway, as he lifted the jellybeans out by choosing his favorite colors first, he, one, one, one, one, one, one...I looked at him and he grinned his mischievous little grin and continued...two, two...I raised my eyebrows...He grinned and raised his then stated satisfactorily....three! He smiled and walked off with his treasure of "three" jellybeans. He thinks he is so smart...
Moments ago D was watching a movie on our bed while I sat in the recliner and Fuss played on the floor in front of me. D asked me to come lay by him and Fuss immediately ran over and climbed up on the bed. As I laid my head on D's chest, so did Fuss...until he pushed his way in between us declaring "my daddy!" So I raised my head and D put his arm around me. Fuss immediately pushed him away from me declaring, "my mom!" He thinks he has to be the center of all our attention...
At this very moment I am typing with one hand as Fuss pulls on my other crying, "c'mon, c'mon, c'mom." Normally at these moments I go with him to find out what he wants, but since I know he wants to go with his daddy into the office to play on the computer, I am not going. He thinks he is in charge...sadly...he is!