Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I resolve to...

Okay, so it has been brought to my attention that I am not very blog attentive lately, and it is true.  Even worse than writing, I have not read any of my friends' blogs since...I don't really know.  But, it is a new year and with a new year comes resolutions.  Usually my resolutions last until about January 15th, but since that is tomorrow I am hoping that I am turning over a new leaf.  And I figure is I don't actually write them until the 14th then they are bound to last longer than one day...I hope!  So, for your reading pleasure and my hoping that if others know them I will be more accountable to new year's resolutions...

1. I resolve to be patient with my husband, children, extended family, other drivers, slow people at the grocery checkout using the self checkout but that don't really know how, the people that park their cars on the street when the road isn't wide enough to still be two lanes when they do, and those that allow their dogs to roam aimlessly and "do their duty" on my lawn so that I can't allow my one-year-old to play in his own yard without a quick "pick up" from mom--so gross!  I resolve to turn the other cheek and not focus on the stuff that I cannot do anything about or that is truly not important.  I will only be inpatient when we are truly going to be late or when I have already asked nicely 3 times or more. 

2. I resolve to finally fit into a size 10 again.  I would really like to fit into an 8 again, but I'm not pushing my luck.  That means that I resolve to workout for at least 8 hours each week, watch what I eat, and actually cook real meals with vegetables and everything.

3. I resolve to add to my blog at least once a week.  I resolve to not make my cousin, Neyney (and you know who you are even though you too get a fake name), to have to remind me how long it has been since I have last written. It is my responsibility and I resolve to resume it.

4. I resolve to have a cleaner home.  I resolve to mop my floors at least once a month (I almost wrote once a week, but I have to be realistic).  I resolve to even mop behind the toilet.  I resolve to wash the baseboards and the walls at least 3 times in the year.  I resolve to deep clean the closest and the storage room downstairs where I don't like to go...

5. I have resolved to my sister that if I do not have another baby by the end of 2009, then I will run/walk a 1/2 marathon with her by August 2010, which means I resolve to take up running in 2009 to train for it.

6. I resolve to follow the basic principles that my mom taught me from the day she brought me home: to be the best me I can be, to treat others as I would want to be treated, to be an example of my Savior and live so that He can be with me always.  I also resolve to teach my children these same principles.

Happy 2009!!! 


Lisa R. said...

You are so good, I don't even want to think about things that I should do better this year because my list would be very, very long. But it is nice to know that there is someone else who doesn't like to mop the floor. I pretty much hate cleaning the whole house:) Good luck and I hope that you get everything that you want out of 2009!

The Brady Bunch said...

I like your resolutions cause they are things that are actually do-able. Good luck to you! I'll expect a full report on how things are going. P.S. I'm excited about the 1/2 marathon, they really are fun to do!

tfthornock said...

I resolve to keep in touch with wonderful f1.riends! Ranalee?!?!? How are you? I just found a link to your blog on Monica's blog! It's so good to see that you are doing well. What a cute family you have! I'll be sure to check out your blog now that I know where you are!

Tracy Floyd

Meredith said...

Ditto to all that. Except my scary place I don't like to go is my laundry room and I'm going to run a 5K next November (a half marathon would just be ridiculous for me).
Love your blog!

Brianna said...

You have inspired me... I'm going to make resolutions too. :-) I'll bet you can hit all of those!

Rebecca said...

Resolutions... they always get me too. I work so hard in Jan. then seem to fizzle by Feb. You've set some lofty ones and that has inspired me to set some for myself. Now, do I dare write them down?? LOL

Missed you Sunday! Love, R

Elizabeth said...

I haven't been able to run since Samuel was born. I hope you have a good time and if you ever do it again I'll try to get in better shape so I can do it too. Good luck with all your resolutions. I made a resolution years ago to never make new year resolutions and so far I have stuck to it. lol